History Pages

These pages share my pictures of recent historical re-enactments with participants. Only recent events are here but I can easily upload other galleries if you want to see something from previous years or look at a certain group or topic.

If you are shown, I happily send you copies of the pictures for your own use or for regimental web sites etc – ie for fair, non-commercial use. Just tick those you want and email me.

About my pictures

I’m a professional photographer and author of books on using Photoshop, Lightroom and other digital photography subjects, but this is just a personal photographic project. The Civil War was my main subject at university, where I was taught by John Morrill who had just published his Revolt of the Provinces, and I’ve continued to read academic studies of the period. But I’d never been a re-enactor and it was only in 2004 after I’d begun making a living as a photographer that I saw the Sealed Knot in action and it caught my imagination. I eventually joined the SK (Tower Hamlets) and the project is still going strong after more than 10 years.


2011 in black and white

Some of my best colour photos

Some of my best photos in colour.


I created these two print-on-demand books for myself and to give to friends. They are not on sale to the general public, but contact me if you would like to buy a copy. They aren’t cheap but they do make nice presents.


I am happy to assist artists using my photos as reference material, but my pictures are copyright. Just don’t reproduce them as paintings or drawings and sell them as your original work – sorry to say, that has happened.