'======================================================================================== 'by John Beardsworth 29/12/05 'version 1.1 'Loops through visible media items and updates a custom field with a sequential number '======================================================================================== Const kMsgBoxTitle = "Select modified files" Set ivApp = CreateObject("iView.Application") If (ivApp.Catalogs.Count = 0) Then MsgBox "Please launch Iview MediaPro.", vbCritical, kMsgBoxTitle else Main end if Sub Main() Set ivCat = ivApp.ActiveCatalog msgStartingVal = InputBox ("What starting value?") If msgStartingVal = "" then exit sub end if For Each ivItem In ivCat.Selection If ivItem.mounted = True Then if j >= 10 then sfx = "." & j else sfx = ".0" & j end if ivItem.CustomFields("Sequence").value = msgStartingVal & sfx j = j + 1 End If Next MsgBox j & " records sequenced", vbOKOnly, kMsgBoxTitle End sub