'======================================================================================== 'Select modified files script 'by John Beardsworth 06/3/06 'version 1.1 'Loops through selected media items on screen and adds place info to keywords '======================================================================================== Const kMsgBoxTitle = "Done" Set IViewApp = CreateObject("iView.Application") If (IViewApp.Catalogs.Count = 0) Then MsgBox "Please launch Iview MediaPro.", vbCritical, kMsgBoxTitle End If Main() Sub Main() Set ivCat = IViewApp.ActiveCatalog For Each ivItem In ivCat.Selection ivExtraKeywords = ivItem.Annotations.Location & "; " & ivItem.Annotations.City & "; " & ivItem.Annotations.State & "; " & ivItem.Annotations.Country ivItem.Annotations.Keywords = ivItem.Annotations.Keywords & "; " & ivExtraKeywords Next Msgbox "Done" , vbInformation, kMsgBoxTitle End sub