'======================================================================================== 'Select modified files script 'by John Beardsworth 5/5/06 'version 1.1 'takes the url from a custom field and navigates to it with Internet Explorer '======================================================================================== 'this is the name of the custom field containing the url to which you want to go Const ivCustomFieldName = "URL" Set ivApp = CreateObject("iView.Application") Set ivCat = ivApp.ActiveCatalog if ivCat.Selection.Count = 1 then ivURL = ivCat.Selection(1).CustomFields(ivCustomFieldName).Value Main() End if Sub Main() Set ie = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application") ie.navigate ivURL '1 or 0 true or false ie.visible = 1 ie.addressbar = 0 ie.statusbar = 0 ie.menubar = 1 ie.toolbar = 0 ie.Height = 600 ie.Width = 800 Do While (ie.Busy) Loop End Sub